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Page history last edited by Casey Sier 5 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to Casey's Wiki!


A site for all students interested in improving their English in an enjoyable way.



Look for ideas, materials and dozens of ways to practice your English by clicking on one of the pages in the right column. Most materials are Intermediate (B.1 or B.2), but you will be able to find materials for other levels as well; Beginners or Advanced levels are usually indicated specifically. But, before you start, maybe you are asking yourself, "English, is it really my thing?"


English is the new disease...


Your teacher: Casey Sier







So where did it all come from? The history of the English language in 10 minutes.


So why is English such a mess? This amusing article might answer some of the questions you have always wanted to ask about English..


For those of you who are really curious: Maps that explain English.


...and before you start your course, or your browsing of this website, how many words do you already know? Take the test: Vocabulary


This wiki is updated sporadically; if you want to find out automatically if new materials or links have been added, you can subscribe for free.

As the Internet is an ever-changing creature, some links might have become invalid over time; I would appreciate it if you could warn me about any invalid links on these pages. Just send an email to caseyfguma@gmail.com





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